Sunday, July 29, 2012

Kedai Elektrik Murah

Last weekend we baught a refrigerator at a (very, i guess) reasonable price at this awesome electrical shop:

Pusat Perkhidmatan TV & Video Toon King
6, Jln Besar, 43000 Kajang, Selangor.
Tel: 03 - 87375501.

We got Toshiba at RM600+ including delivery. The sales woman was very friendly and convincingly provided us good opinions and experiences of others.

I also found an oven brand "Butterfly" there. I could not remember the size but they have three sizes. The one that I interested in is the middle size which would cost me RM190+. I have a friend who sells muffins, cakes and all. She uses the butterfly oven because it's good performance and suggested by her sifu. It's very good for baking and have been in the market for years. It could not be found on supermarkets' shelves, only at small electrical shops i guess. So no wonder I have never heard about this oven before. By the way, I did not buy that last weekend. Maybe some other times later, insyaAllah :).

Anyway, do visit the shop and may you get the good bargain.

Other customer reviews: .

Note: I do not get any commission from the shop for this post and it's merely for sharing with those in-needs..

Daaa~ 11th Ramadhan 1433.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ramadhan Kareem 1433H


It has been four days of Ramadhan.. I would like to wish all of the Muslims Happy Ramadhan !! It's the month of blessing.. Moga masing-masing dapat menambahkan amal ibadat dan istiqamah sehingga ke bulan-bulan seterusnya, ameen..

 I have found a cool group at facebook, named as "Raudhah Ramadhan". Do like it and you will be benefitted :) These are the examples of 'goodies' obtained from the group:

Meaningfull video, 'Bring It Anywhere' .

And they also has an application called 'RR_AmalTracker'. It is an excell file where you can tract your progress of amal during the Ramadhan. It will rank your amal according to what you have filled up..It's so interesting. Kind of sport/jogging tracker. Let's try it !!

 That's all for now. Happy fasting peeps !!

Thursday, July 19, 2012



after long long long times :D

Sekarang ini saya sangat aktif survey persiapan kahwin. i am getting married, you see insya Allah. i have not done any preparation yet for the wedding but for the life after married, yess :D we have rented a house. while blog-hopping B2B blogs, i also do some blog-hoppings regarding the house and interior design. i even bought the book cabinets. next, would be an oven..

i think i have set a right priority salah seorang kawan saya pernah cakap' "pelamin, baju-baju dan sebagainya biarlah bersederhana. elakkan pembaziran. lagipun tak berapa penting pun, yang penting adalah kehidupan selepas kahwin". saya bersetuju dengan pandangan beliau. so berpegang pada moto "more is less", saya tenang-tenang saja :D usha2 but doesnt make up my mind yet..just to keep my options wide open.the wedding theme is more likely to be white, insya Allah .. the design and all that, i'll let my mom to decide below adalah hasil google..simple n classic. kind of like it :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

so loooong


Wow, it has been few months since the last post. I even forgot the existing of this blog :D Dear blog, i am sorry!!

Lots happened & going on these few months:

1. I went for an interview last two weeks as a part time/ full time lecturer/ tutor at one of the IPTS. I was required to prepare a 20 minutes presentation on any topics that I'm comfortable with. It was last minute preparation and well it didn’t turn out well. It was damn tough. I didn’t expect they will ask so many questions on the contents of the presentation. End of story. I learnt my lesson. It was very precious experience for me. I will perform better for the next round of interviews insyaAllah.
2. I have few problems with my supervisor. It has been very tough lately but still can be handled. It maybe because of our characters and I heard lot of complains regarding her behaviors. Consequently, I have these negative perceptions towards her. Dugaan-dugaan .
3. I am planning to get married. Maybe end of this year insyaAllah. I have known my soon-to-be soul mate for almost 9 years, on-off relationship. But since last year, we have been communicating well and seriously considering the possibility of building our own little family. Both parents of our sides already knew about us and hopefully, it will become a reality..
4. PCR has been successfully optimized. At least, I know what’s the reason of the failures. I am an expert now and very satisfied with the results. Alhamdulillah. All the stress and hard works were really paid off.